TERA players know Treeshark as one of the most active and vocal faces of En Masse Entertainment, and today they get to take a crack at asking him some questions.
Treeshark is better known as Patrick Sun in the "real" world and is TERA's North American producer. He's taking his bits of wisdom out of the forums and tossing them out into the wilds of Reddit to give players the answers they seek on the game's future and the upcoming Corsairs' Stronghold battleground.
So when does the magic happen?
Today's AMA thread is scheduled to begin at 10AM PDT/1PM EDT until 3PM PDT/6PM EDT. Five hours of hot and tasty Treeshark Q&A action. The post announcing the AMA tells those interested to keep an eye on the TERA subreddit for notification.
This is a rather timely AMA event considering Corsairs' Stronghold is right on the horizon, with its release scheduled for July 2nd. It is highly likely this will be the primary focus during today's thread, but let's cross our fingers for more information on where the game is headed in the latter half of 2013.